Digital marketing trends have constantly changed, but they have started to move faster in the past few years. We expect that they will continue to do so in 2023 as well. Here are new digital marketing trends to look out for this year.


In 2023, we expect that the increasing use of automation will play a significant role in digital marketing. It could be the development of new email marketing techniques that are designed to reach specific audiences or the use of AI to identify potential customers.

Personalized Landscape

With the rise of automation, marketers will need to focus on personalization to stand out from the crowd. This can be done by using data to segment their customers, creating tailored content, or ensuring that their messages are more human.

Video Content

Although video has been an integral part of digital marketing for some time now, we expect it will continue to grow in prominence in 2023. Due to the increasing number of people watching videos online, it is important that marketers create exceptional content.

Influencer Marketing

The rise of influencer marketing has been attributed to how digital marketing has become more competitive. As a result, businesses will start working with more micro-influencers to expand their reach. This could involve them working with individuals with a smaller following but more engaged in their work.

Interaction and Engagement

In addition to videos, we expect that interactive content will be seen more frequently in digital marketing, such as polls, quizzes, and other forms of content that aim to encourage engagement. As a business owner, it is crucial that you start thinking about how interactive content can be utilized in your marketing efforts.

Instagram and TikTok

Although social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook will still be necessary for marketing, we expect more businesses to start focusing on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. This will allow them to reach their target audiences more effectively. TikTok has also been growing rapidly, and in 2023, we expect more businesses to create short-form videos for the platform. TikTok’s surprising trend is the emergence of the For You option, which has led to creating of a community filled with interesting individuals. Other platforms are yet to catch up to this concept.